About this website
This internet website is prepared according to the requirements of the Environmental Permits (EPs) (EP-527/2017, EP-528/2017, EP-529/2017, EP-530/2017 and EP-531/2017) and provides a user-friendly public access of environmental monitoring data and reports, including the Project Background, Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) Documents, Submissions pursuant to EPs’ conditions, Baseline Monitoring Reports, Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Reports and EM&A Data for Service Contract No. WD/03/2023 —Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area Second Phase Development – Environmental Team.
Project Background
The HSK/HT NDA occupies an area of approximately 714 ha and is located in the north-western part of the New Territories, midway between Tuen Mun and Tin Shui Wai New Towns. It is bounded by Tin Ying Road/ Ping Ha Road/ Kiu Hung Road to the east, Castle Peak Road to the south, Kong Sham Western Highway (“KSWH”) to the west, and Tin Ha Road, Lau Fau Shan Road and hillslopes along Deep Bay Road to the north. In the wider context, the proposed Project is strategically located in close proximity to Shenzhen, particularly Shenzhen Bay Control Point, Qianhai, and Shekou and efficiently linked with the Greater Pearl River Delta (“PRD”) region. The KSWH and the possible highway connecting the Project area with the Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link, the Hong Kong International Airport, Kwai Tsing Container Terminals, and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and its Boundary Crossing facilities. New strategic highway infrastructure connecting the Project area with the urban area will also be planned to address the long-term development needs of Northwest New Territories (“NWNT”). The proposed West Rail Hung Shui Kiu Station (“HSK Station”), with its alignment traversing the Project allows convenient and efficient access to and from the Project area.
The works under HSK/HT NDA Stage 1 works comprises the construction of interim section of new distributor road (Road D1) that is a designated project (“DP”) (defined under item A1 in Schedule 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance) connecting the site for the first batch of multi-storey buildings (“MSBs”) at Sites 3-6, 3-7 and 3-8 to the existing Ha Tsuen Roundabout of KSWH.
The HSK/HT NDA Stage 1 works would be implemented under a fast-track programme, involving various complex tasks for providing infrastructure and forming the five development sites to be conducted in parallel, so as to tie in with operation of the development MSBs or other land-efficient means and population intake of the village resite house in 2025 tentatively.
The scope of works covered by Public Works Programme (PWP) Item No. 7796CL comprise the followings: